
Kate Saunders

"Under My Skin
(Wolf Skull)"

Process and Materials: The lines of the skull were made with powdered frit sprinkled on glue that I painted onto three fused layers of Bullseye glass. After kiln- firing I used clear contact paper on top of the lines to preserve them (I used a utility knife to cut areas I wanted color on) and sprayed on several colors of mica. After firing the mica I used more frit around the skull and fired once more.

Content / Intent Statement: Starting as a child, I have always had dreams where I am a wolf. I used to say that I was a reincarnated wolf, but that's a bit too new agey for me now. I do know that the wolf lives in my heart.
My husband and I go to Yellowstone once or twice every year to watch wolves with the restoration project.
Having eye contact with a wolf in the wild changed me, and this piece is about that moment, of the stripping away of boundaries, about the potential wilderness in us all.


Cynthia Oliver said...

Before I read you statement, I thought of totems. Great portrait.

Anonymous said...

Excellent work. My husband is a park warden with the Canadian National Parks system, and we lived out in the back country for a year and it took 15 days by horse back to get to our cabin in Banff National Park. On one beautiful foggy morning we ran into 2 BLACK wolves with Eyes so yellow I will never forget them . It was so special to see two at one time and for some reason they where not afraid of us. We all just stood there staring at one another until they slowly meandered into the brush. I still to this day associate that special meeting with my twin sister and I and how we are always together no matter where we are. Hmm!!! Special piece. Leslie Rowe-Israelson