
Carol Carson

"Self Portrait"
8" x 8" x 1"

Materials and Process: Fused glass frit painting.


Detail of back


Cynthia Oliver said...

I love that there is a front and a back, and that the feeling is so different for each.

Anonymous said...

Carol, I hope you have stock in Glassline Paints! Because your artwork has put them on the map solidly. They should be giving it to you for free. I'd love to see this piece in person. I really like the depth. Stan

Anonymous said...

Incredible and amazing. I LOVE this piece very much and would love to have it in my home to say goodmorning to everyday. It is a FEEL GOOD piece for sure. You are quite beautiful if I do say so my self.

Anonymous said...

Oh my Carol , I forgot to say who just left this message above. It was Leslie Rowe-Israelson

Anonymous said...

Lovely use of color and texture. Love the exhuberence of it all.


Skin Mechanic said...

Carol's 2-faced, whooda thunkit=8^O Excellent use of line, composition, color, yada, yada you've heard it all before=8^D Is it just me or does that other face have a seductive, come-hither look. It's deceptively chaoctic in construction, but every line and splash of color is precisely where it's supposed to be. How do you do it, how do you make it look so casually free flowing, and natural?