
Don Burt

"Self Portrait"
11" x 7.5"

Materials & Process: Cathedral glass with some broken pieces of the same sheet tack fused, and enamels. Brushed, airbrushed and penworked.

Content / Intent Statement: Just a fond self-image fantasy.



Anonymous said...

I don't care who you are, Don wins! Stan

Anonymous said...

My comment should read "I don't care who you are, now that's funny!" You still win Don. Stan. Everybody else...you're all winners too

Anonymous said...

Great piece! I don't know you, Don, but now I will imagine you sitting atop your camper.
Your piece made me chuckle the moment I saw it.


Cynthia Oliver said...

This is my mother's favorite. She thinks you have cello in your lap. She's got a soft spot for musicians...and rebels.

Anonymous said...

Nice cello. >wink<
The turn of that right ankle says it all. Jussssst relax.
Marty P

Anonymous said...

Don, your in trouble...Marty's a psychologist.....OveranalyzedStan

Anonymous said...

Don't panic, Don. I'm off duty.
Marty P

Anonymous said...

Oh my!! is that a gun in your possesion. HmmK!!! I am at least in Canada and far away. No really, just kidding. I am sooo impressed with this amazing piece. I want the story that goes with it. Leslie Rowe-Israelson

Anonymous said...

I love the humor in this, wonderful piece:)

Skin Mechanic said...

Great minds think alike Cynth, I thought it was a violin=8^D REAL men don't need no stinkin' glasses, they drink straight from the bottle. Execllent use of line to convy emotion. It's hard to know when to stop adding visual information and let the veiwer's imagination fill in the rest of the story... You nailed it Don.

"I'll eat anythin' you want me to eat, I'll swaller anythin' you want me to swaller... I'll chew onna dog!!!"

Anonymous said...

He never did like any of us on his lawn.

Anonymous said...

nicely done, Susan B