
Melanie Rowe & Leslie Rowe-Israelson

"A Twins Journey"
18" tall by 24" wide by 7"thick

Photographs by Bill Pitcher

Materials and Process: Kiln cast glass and lampworked face Beads - created December 2005. All the glass, beads included is Uroboros and Spectrum System 96. The mold was plaster/silica Gerry Newcomb mix. The beads are created by pressing molten glass into molds made of Mold Mix while still on the mandrel.

Content / Intent Statement by Leslie: Melanie and I where blessed to grow up as twins. We create our sculptural work together and share all experiences in glass as a team. We LOVE each other more than anyone could know. We have been blessed to be able to work and teach together and to help each other in good times and bad. That is why we chose to do a joint twin piece for our creation as we are of one soul.


Detail from the back

Detail of Beads


Cynthia Oliver said...

Outstanding. I love the beads.

Anonymous said...

Ya'll just had to go "raise the bar"....beautiful work! Stan