
Marty Pitcairn

"Marty Distilled"
15" x 8"

Materials & Process: Bullseye glass with a few bits of dichroic for the pupils and earrings. The blank is patterned iridized to add texture to the piece. Complex cuts were made using a ring saw. The earrings were shaped with a torch before fusing. Liberal use of expletives.

Content/Intent Statement: I am the sorcerer's apprentice in my husband Stan Harmon's glass studio. He signed me up for this project. I've had fun fusing tropical fish species designed with chunky outlines and adding frit or stringer for detail. I decided to try working with my own image in the same way, reducing the whole to the simplest lines. Boy, was it tempting to ignore the forehead and smile lines. But I didn't. And since I like to be useful, I slumped the whole business into a platter. What the heck!


Anonymous said...

Socerer's apprentice - I love that. It sounds like you had fun with this.I like your piece and would love to see it being used at the dinner table.


Anonymous said...

What a babe!...uh..I mean platter!

Stan, the platter's husband

Cynthia Oliver said...

Nice job apprentice. I like your sense of humor too. It's good to be useful...and a good painter.