
Elizabeth Woros

"Power of 2"
8" x 12"

Materials & Process: This is all done in Bullseye Glass. I made a base out of red/orange/yellow strips on the bottom and clear frit with the same colors in powder, frit and stringers on top. I wanted this to be bright and chose these colors with my nephew whose favorite color just happens to be red. The top layer is painted with FuseMaster enamels and frit to create the details. Then I fused the 2 layers together to create a piece about an inch thick. Unfortunately I ended up with some big bubbles and an annealing crack. I also didn't count on the way the colors diluted and some distortion that happened.

Content / Intent Statement: This piece represents the power that comes with interacting with others to accomplish a goal. This particular picture shows my nephew and I putting a puzzle together.


Cynthia Oliver said...

This feels tender and full of love. It warms my heart.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cynthia.

I also liked the comment someone made on the warm glass board earlier, that it reminded him of a grilled cheese sandwich with tomatoe soup.

I was struggling with what kind of piece to do and my nephew actually came up with this concept. He's always been special to me - my power of 2. When my sister passed away a little over a year ago it really struck a cord with me that nothing is more important than family. That's the biggest part of who I am and what shaped me.

Anonymous said...

I love the companionship that shows in this one.

A grilled cheese sandwich with tomatoe soup? Do you have to squint to see it?

Marty P

Anonymous said...

Marty - it helps if you take your glasses off :-)


Anonymous said...

This piece is full of "warm fuzzies"! Very soothing.
Very nice.


Morluv said...

I don't know why my earlier email comments turned up here in my comments to you! woops.Guess I should have previewed first.

What I said for you was HOW AWESOME this work is!! I love not only the warm connection with another person (the magic of 2) but also just technically it's a masterpiece in my mind. The colors and movement and detail are all very first rate and you will go very far with this kind of talent! Keep up the good work...for both of you!
