
Joe Moakley

"Back When it Was Still All Black & White"

Materials and Process: The photo was made black & white by Cynthia Oliver. I enlarged it and used it to trace the image onto the glass. I used a mixture of ferro enamel, ferro low flux, cmc gum, glycerine and alcolhol. The black was done on the tin side of some float using an air pen. the white was brushed on the air side of some float. Prefired to 1100f, hold 10 minutes. I stacked the glass with the white in the middle and the black on top. I fired it to 1500f with a 10 minute hold. This was my first glass piece.


Content / Intent Statement: I used a photograph from a a really great summer in my youth. That was my dog Winston. I am 50 now.


Anonymous said...

What a great self portrait!


Anonymous said...

Joe, your a man of many talents! You jumped right in the deep end of the pool. Great job. Can't wait to see what's next. Stan

Cynthia Oliver said...

First effort? Nicely done. Great feel for the nostalgia.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic, Joe. Starting at the top!
Marty P

Anonymous said...

What a great job you did - I hope it's the first of many.
